Posts tagged bordelle
Capturing what she felt on the inside | Virginia Boudoir

What inspired you to do a boudoir session?: I wanted help capturing what I saw and felt within myself.

What made you decide to schedule your session with Julie?: After meeting her it felt like a friend. I trusted her with myself and with just having fun. The experience is to have fun and feel good. I felt after meeting with her that this is what I was going to get. A friend helping me capture and feel how I should.

What was your biggest fear in doing a boudoir session? Did it come true? What happened instead?: Not capturing what I wanted. No, we captured more then I could come up with. We got amazing photos and was not just photos we created a memory.

What was your favorite part of your boudoir session?: Just how care free and fun we had. It wasn't just me on display is was us just talking and having a good time while taking photos, regardless of what I was wearing.

If you were to recommend us to your best friend, what would you say?: Trust and have fun. Do not get in your head. Literally you have nothing to worry about. The work is done for you.


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